Today is a big day; it’s the closing day on the property you are buying in Costa Rica. Some details were forgotten by the different parties involved, so I thought to give you a few Costa Rica real estate recommendations.
The last two weeks have been hectic since organizing moving to a new house is always a lot of work. Hopefully, your real estate agent has been very helpful in taking care of all the usual issues that give anybody a headache.
Did your real estate agent and your real estate lawyer work well together? Did they take care of all the necessary documents, the bank financing, and the walk-through before going to closing?
Do you think you’re done now? There’s nothing else to worry about? Find out if you can relax or if you need to follow our 12 Costa Rica real estate recommendations on closing day
12 Costa Rica real estate recommendations
Any real estate closing involves many details. Do not get caught empty-handed. Therefore learn from these Costa Rica real estate recommendations:
1. Internet & TV
Did you sign the new internet and cable TV contracts? If the cable company can’t get you connected fast, get a pre-paid chip with any of the phone companies on your cell phone meanwhile. As a result, you will be able to watch TV on closing day.
2. The Locks
Also, change the locks of all the exterior doors. A cheaper way is to change just the cylinder and you might take advantage to master key the locks. Some sellers have handed out keys to real estate agents, friends, and family and you don’t want to walk anyone into your house unannounced. Change the codes on your garage and gate remote control, learn how to do so here.
3. Water & Power
Find your water shut-off valve and circuit breaker panel or breaker box. Identify all the circuit breakers in the breaker box and label them so in case of an emergency you will know right away which breaker to shut off without leaving the whole house without power. If your property has a water back-up system, find out how to handle the pressure pump.
4. The Neighbors
Go meet your new neighbors. Maybe you could bring a nice gift when you introduce yourselves. Ask your neighbors about the farmer’s market, good shopping, and other handy info if you get a chance to ask.
5. The Garbage
Also, find out when the garbage pick-up is, on what day(s), and at what time. Is the garbage recycled and are there any other tips? Also, find out if there is a Bulk Waste Day in your community.
6. Administration
If you bought a condo, introduce yourself to the administrator of the condominium and ask him/her to introduce you to all the guards and write down their names and find out how you can contact them in case of an emergency. Find out when the next homeowner meeting is and ask for any pertinent information on the last meetings. Inside your condo, you should change the batteries in the fire detector.
7. Your Address
Get the help of your real estate agent or a neighbor to get the correct Tico address and draw a map so the people you will invite to your house warming party can find it. You will also want to have a mailing address in Costa Rica.

Buy Costa Rica property through us and you can relax!
8. Repairs
Go through the home inspection repair list. Were repairs to be made were indeed checked and repaired?
9. Unlist the property
Ask the seller for the names of all the real estate agents who had the property listed. Then you can send them all an email to introduce yourself as the new owner and that the house was sold. Thank them for their efforts and ask them to take the property off their website.
10. The Deed and Certification
Ask your lawyer to let you know as soon as your purchase–sale deed is registered in your name or your corporation’s name. And ask him/her to send you the certification by email. Use this certification to change the power meter, phone, and water into your name. Put the date on which the utilities have to be paid on your agenda. If you own a property in the name of a corporation, inform yourself and click on the banner below.
11. The Municipality
With the same certification from your lawyer, you should go to your municipality and change the registration of your property from the former owner’s name into your name. Find out when and where you have to pay your property tax (impuestos municipales) and corporation tax (Ley Nº 9024 Impuesto a las Personas Jurídicas) and put it on your agenda. Find out all about Costa Rica taxes here.
12. The Party
Also, last but not least, invite your friends and new neighbors to your housewarming party. Do not forget to invite your real estate agent!
If you read Costa Rica real estate recommendations before you are purchasing a house in Costa Rica, try one of our agents. Because we are very good at what we do and look out for your interests. Contact us now for an appointment.
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