Do you hate to pay taxes too? Better to pay the least taxes possible, especially on your investments? How about not paying any taxes in the US at all? How can you invest tax free in a Costa Rica vacation home? Looking for a luxury vacation home or a beach condo instead of renting on Airbnb? You just arrived at the right place to find the answer.
The answer is pretty simple: use your retirement funds to purchase and we’ll help you to invest tax free in a vacation home in Costa Rica. North Americans have over $6 trillion dollars in their individual retirement accounts. If you are one of them, you need to read this blog.
Don’t take a “no, you can’t do this legally” or “you do have to pay the taxes on it” from your IRA custodian. Of course, your custodian won’t be happy to lose control over your money. What do you think your banker will say if you ask him to transfer all your money to another bank?
How to invest tax-free?
NOW you have a chance to purchase that Costa Rica vacation home!
Property managers are going crazy to find more inventory of vacation homes they can rent out. Some of the owners have rented their vacation homes over 35 weeks out of the year! It’s time to make money.

Check great options of Jaco Beach vacation condos
Most people who have their retirement funds in an individual retirement account have an IRA of some sort. What most do not know is that you can diversify your retirement portfolio with real estate, and therefore with the purchase of a Costa Rica vacation home through a self-directed IRA account.
A self-directed IRA account gives you the option to invest in residential and commercial real estate, vacant land, and other real estate-related assets such as a Costa Rica vacation home. You can open a Real Estate IRA in a Traditional, SEP, or Roth IRA and invest tax free in Costa Rica real estate.
You can either pay cash from your IRA, partner with your personal funds or even partner with another investor.

We have a great inventory in Los Sueños Resort, contact us NOW
Take 6 easy steps
1. Decide what your budget would be to purchase your vacation home in Costa Rica.
2. Search on our MLS for the vacation home you would like to purchase.
3. Contact the agent and request information on how much ROI this purchase wo uld generate.
4. We work with several self-directed IRA administrators such as The Entrust Group or Advanta IRA and we can set up your account with them.
5. Feel free to make a list of questions you might have concerning a self-directed IRA and using those funds to purchase a Costa Rica vacation home, send them to us and we’ll get the answers for you.
6. We have a Costa Rican lawyer/ notary public who specializes in closing the purchase of a Costa Rica vacation home with self-directed IRA’s and we’ll connect you as soon as you are ready to make an offer on the property.
Your purchase through your retirement funds will be tax free in the U.S. but you DO have to pay local real estate taxes in Costa Rica when you purchase the vacation home and your annual real estate tax at the municipality.
There are some limitations you have when you invest tax free with your IRA in real estate that you should know about before you contact us.