Smart people always search for bargain real estate in Costa Rica when looking to make an extraordinary real estate investment. No matter how good the economy of a country is or if real estate is in a seller’s market or not, there is always an owner who is in the need of selling a property quickly and willing to let it go at a bargain price.
On our website, you can find bargain real estate in Costa Rica as price reduced property.
A bargain price in Costa Rica real estate doesn’t mean that the property is priced under $100,000, as opposed to what many think. I have seen Costa Rica luxury homes with a bargain price too.
With today’s technology, it should be easy to find anything you want, even bargain real estate in Costa Rica. Nonetheless, bargain real estate in Costa Rica is pretty hard to find, unless you have the right connections. You either have a good relationship with a very well-informed real estate agent in Costa Rica, the right connections with the foreclosure department of Costa Rican banks or you spend a lot of time online searching through FSBO sites, Craigslist, and real estate offices websites.
I wrote an article before, explaining why we don’t have Comparative Market Analysis or CMA’s in Costa Rica, which would be the easiest way to compare and find out if a property is offered as bargain real estate in Costa Rica is in fact a bargain or if the word was just used to catch your attention.

Costa Rica fire sale property
How to find Costa Rica real estate bargains
You have two options to find out if a property offered as bargain real estate in Costa Rica is really that:
1. Understand how the Costa Rica real estate market is, learn as much as you can about property values in the area you are interested in.
2. Work with a real estate agent who knows and understands the market and who you trust.
You can of course try to Google the right keywords and waste many hours surfing the web because you will NOT find what you are looking for because you will not get any specific listings, just websites that used those same words as keywords on their homepage.
Keywords to search
Some of those keywords could be
- Fire sale luxury home Dominical
- Bargain Jaco Beach condo for sale
- Browse bargain Costa Rica real estate
Go ahead, give it a try, you’ll find out it is a waste of time. Another way of trying is to try to find the same or a similar property online. Sometimes you will find the same property still listed on a website from before the actual owner bought it. That happens because sellers do not always tell all agents they listed the property with that they have sold the property.
If you know the name of the complex or condominium, you might be able to find another property for sale in the same place, which would give you a comparison, if the property is exactly the same.
If you have time to waste, these tips might work for you, but let me give you a much easier and faster solution.

Just Reduced real estate in Costa Rica
Your solution to find bargain real estate
With over 30 affiliate agents with a huge inventory of real estate from coast to coast, you can have access to everything that is going on in Costa Rica’s real estate. When you subscribe to The Easy Times, you will receive our weekly newsletter with the hot properties posted. A hot property may not necessarily be bargain real estate in Costa Rica but as soon as you see the price that states FROM $xxxx NOW $xxx, I can assure you that you have found one.
The ethics regulations of our real estate group do not allow an agent just to invent a bargain by promoting unreal “just reduced” or “fire sale”, so you can be sure that when you see those words on our website or our newsletter, that they are for real.
Stay up to date with what happens in our real estate market and look for Costa Rica real estate bargains once a week, subscribe now on the banner below. And if you have any questions, just shoot us an email.