Living Costa Rica

a Costa Rica real estate blog

Mandatory Christmas Bonus to all Employees in Costa Ricaiconwht

Mandatory Christmas Bonus to all Employees in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Christmas is coming up, so your employees will receive the Aguinaldo, or Christmas bonus. Under Costa Rican labor laws, the Aguinaldo is an obligation if you employ a maid, a gardener, or any other employee in Costa Rica. The Aguinaldo, or Christmas bonus in English, is an “additional salary.” Any employer…

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How important is a caretaker’s quarters on a property in Costa Rica

I’m sure you have seen properties advertised on the MLS that has a caretaker’s quarters on the property. Wondering why properties have caretaker’s quarters? Is it really necessary to have a caretaker who lives on your property? Let me explain. The property size When you purchase a large property with lots of gardens, you probably…

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