Living Costa Rica

a Costa Rica real estate blog

Finding an address in Costa Rica is impossibleiconwht

Finding an address in Costa Rica is impossible without knowing the cardinal points or directions

Did you know that finding an address in Costa Rica is difficult because we don’t have addresses? We don’t have street names or house numbers. Google Maps calls the road where our office is Carretera John F Kennedy. Don’t try to ask a Tico for this street name, because they won’t know. They’ll only understand…

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14 Tips on how to prevent rain damage to your propertyiconwht

14 Tips on how to prevent rain damage to your property

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes How necessary is knowing everything about rain damage before you purchase property in Costa Rica, and how can you prevent it? The rainy season in Costa Rica starts in May and ends in November. The heaviest rainfall occurs during September, October, and part of November. So, yes, it rains quite…

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Cremation or Funeral Services and Repatriation of the deceasediconwht

Cremation or Funeral Services and Repatriation of the deceased

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes Many expats and retirees in Costa Rica don’t think about passing away, their cremation, funeral services, or the repatriation of the deceased.  But when a spouse dies, everyone starts running to find information. Few funeral services speak enough English for you to be comfortable arranging the deceased’s cremation, funeral, or…

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84 Interesting Facebook Group Sources for Living in Costa Ricaiconwht

84 Interesting Facebook Group Sources for Living in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 18 minutes Finding the right Facebook group when looking for information before moving or living in Costa Rica requires time and effort. However, here you have all the sources together. I published this blog for the first time in 2016 with 68 groups and pages, and I have now updated it. It’s…

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Tico construction is very different from US built homesiconwht

Tico construction is very different from US built homes

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Did you know that Tico construction is very different from US-built homes? I’ve seen opinions from expats who think they know but don’t. We DO have construction codes here in Costa Rica, BUT they’re only a bit different. If you don’t believe that, check out the INVU construction regulations. And…

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