What can you expect when you hire Tom Rosenberger for your Costa Rica home inspection services?
Building in Costa Rica or buying from a real estate developer is not as easy as some might think. Every country in the world has different specifications and building codes.
It has to do with weather conditions, geological specifications, things like earthquakes and hurricanes, rainstorms, and many other things. You guessed it right, what I am trying to say that Costa Rica is different, even for the home inspection services.
Everyone is entitled to make a buck and why not a retired home inspector from Indiana? Or Minnesota? Because construction is different in Indiana and Minnesota than it is in Costa Rica. The code is different. I am repeating this because a lot of people seem not to understand this.
I have seen buyers from the US trust someone to give home inspection services in Atenas because the home inspector is certified in some state in the US for home inspections. So why is it that a Washington State attorney is not allowed to certify a simple signature from someone who lives in California? Because these two states have different laws.
Suicide showers and grease traps
With home inspection services it is the same thing. And that is the simple reason why I promote Tom Rosenberger so much. Because Tom Rosenberger, who is a North American and has built homes in the US, also has built homes in Costa Rica. He knows the standards and he knows the way the locals build. He also knows the building materials the locals use, good and bad.
Tom understands what a suicide shower means and how it works. He understands why locals don’t use grease traps in their kitchens. He understands why it is not standard to have the electrical systems of a home to be grounded.
What to expect
What can you expect from home inspection services?
Before you build
Tom can assure you that he will help you determine if the land you are contemplating is appropriate for building the housing you have envisioned. Tom will recommend a geological study and/or soil samples if he thinks it necessary.
Up to code
If you are considering the purchase of an existing house, Tom’s home inspection and detailed reports will give you all the building specifications and construction costs you will need to determine if the dwelling you are interested in has been completed properly according to the local building codes and standards you are accustomed to.
Buying from a real estate developer
Those buyers who consider the purchase of a new house, apartment or condominium in Costa Rica and want to make sure that all building materials and installation procedures have been 100% completed. Also, it is important that all mechanical and electrical installations are functioning correctly, prior to closing.
Before renovation
Do you currently own or want to purchase existing housing for renovation? Receive a guideline of what needs to be done and how to renovate by hiring a home inspector.
A choice of reports
Tom has several options if you need a home inspection report. More on Tom Rosenberger’s home inspection services with samples and pricing on his website.
My recommendation
I recommend using a good home inspector if you plan to purchase a home or a property in Costa Rica. There are too many things that you would not expect and too many things that can go wrong.
Most properties in Costa Rica sell “as is”, did you know that? Nonetheless, it is good to get through a serious home inspection, a list of “to do” and “to repair” before closing.
Tom Rosenberger is a home builder and home inspector in Costa Rica and owner of Costa Rica Home Builder. He has lived in Costa Rica for more than 15 years. During that time, he has designed and built numerous homes, condos, apartments, as well as developed land for multi-home estates. Costa Rican Land and Construction Inspector, Tom Rosenberger, is a highly skilled bi-lingual professional. He has over 25 years of land development and construction experience, as well as more than 10 years of home inspection services.
Tom enables his clients to “See Beyond the Obvious” before committing to land acquisition and construction projects. He is a legal resident of Costa Rica, speaks Spanish and English and has lived here since 1992, building and remodeling homes and condominiums, along with developing the land into building lots.
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